werwolf online rollen


werwolf online rollen

Unbekannte Ziele können Schütze, Gefängniswärter, Medium, Alphawerwolf, … Use these card to add an additional werewolf or a character with a special ability or disability. While the Witch can only use their potion and poison once, each action must be said each night to retain anonymity as to what has been done. The wolf team wins when the number of players with wolfchat access equal or outnumber the number of players without access ("villagers"). Jump to navigation Jump to search. This page lists all roles that appear in the game. This page was last edited on 20 August 2020, at 11:32. In order for the … Neue Seite hinzufügen. Für eine Tabelle mit … Registrieren Wiki erstellen.

Contents. The Village DrunkThis role, while first and foremost taking on all the elements of a regular Villager throughout the game, also has the additional burden of only being able to communicate with gestures or noises.

Um das Spiel möglichst gut zu erweitern und zu verbessern kann jeder Spieler seine eigenen Rollen-Ideen auf dem offiziellen Werwolfonline-Discord Server teilen. Hier kannst, falls du die "WWC" Pro Version besitzt, du deinen Werwolf Online Benutzernamen eingeben, um die spezialen roten Flügel zu erhalten. One by one they'll kill off villagers and win when there are either the same number of villagers and werewolves left, or all the villagers have died. While almost any role can be secondary (including those listed above), the roles in this section are exclusively meant to be secondary roles and never the main role. Lesen; Quelltext anzeigen; Versionsgeschichte; In dieser Kategorie sind alle offiziellen Rollen gelistet. Other members of the wolf team do not count towards determining this win condition. Could mean the same thing. Rede mit einem der Mentoren im Mentorchat!

Böse Spieler gehören dem Werwolfteam an und gute Spieler dem Dorfteam. https://werewolf-online.fandom.com/de/wiki/Rollen_schreiben?oldid=1997. Um alle Rollen freischalten zu können brauchst du 16.500 Gold bzw musst du 330 Werbungen anschauen. Damit alle wichtige Fragen und Informationen zu deiner Rolle beantwortet werden, gibt es in dem Discord Channel #role-ideas, in den angepinnten Nachrichten, ein Formular, welches hierbei hilfreich ist. This is the official server for Werewolf Online! Man kann Rollen für das "Dorf", die "Werwölfe", "Abstimmung", oder "Solo"-Rollen entwerfen, um so das Spielgeschehen interessanter zu gestalten. They may not talk during the day at all, and if they do, automatically die during that night. 2.1 Wolf roles; 2.2 Wolfchat roles; 2.3 Other wolf-aligned roles; 3 Neutral roles; 4 Secondary roles; Village team roles. They also are the one who calls for a vote when a nominee to be killed off has arisen. This is a challenge, because everyone playing will need to actively avoid saying the word “Werewolf” in an attempt to root out the Alpha Werewolf, who must say it at least once. The Alpha Werewolf This role, while first and foremost taking on all the elements of a regular Werewolf throughout the game, also has the additional burden of saying the word “Werewolf” at least once during the day.

Namensräume. 169 Seiten. https://werewolf.chat/w/index.php?title=Roles&oldid=1559. Einstellungen Werwolf Online Spezialgegenstand. Wikis entdecken; Community-Wiki; Wiki erstellen; Suche Anmelden Du hast noch kein Benutzerkonto? | 194,973 members The flow of the game lives and dies by the Moderator's hand. These roles win with the wolf team, but are otherwise counted as villagers for the purposes of determining win conditions. Um das Spiel möglichst gut zu erweitern und zu verbessern kann jeder Spieler seine eigenen Rollen-Ideen auf dem offiziellen Werwolfonline-Discord Server teilen. Werwolf Online Wiki. Sollten Spieler sehr positiv reagieren, haben am Schluss die Entwickler das letzte Wort, welche Entscheiden, ob deine Idee im Spiel umsetzbar ist. Fandom. 1 Village team roles; 2 Wolf team roles. Neue Seite … If the Alpha Werewolf fails to say “Werewolf” during the day, they automatically die the next night. Typically werewolves are outnumbered by villagers 2 to 1. Videospiele Filme TV. Someone is speaking too much? This is a challenge, because everyone playing will need to actively avoid saying the word “Werewolf” in an attempt to root out the Alpha Werewolf, who must say it at least once. Wikis entdecken; Community-Wiki; Wiki erstellen; Suche Anmelden Du hast noch kein Benutzerkonto?

Registrieren Wiki erstellen. They are the sole player that knows the role of each player, and walks the rest of the players through day, night and death the following morning. Werwolf Online Wiki. Also a villager, the Doctor has the ability to heal themselves or another villager when called awake by the Moderator during the night. Again, the strategy here is up to you. There are two main roles: Werewolves and Villagers. It's their job to keep the game moving, so some Moderators opt for a 5 minute time limit during the day for everyone to decide who to kill off. The Alpha WerewolfThis role, while first and foremost taking on all the elements of a regular Werewolf throughout the game, also has the additional burden of saying the word “Werewolf” at least once during the day. The Seer, while first and foremost a villager, has the added ability to "see" who the werewolves are once night falls.

Wikis. The strategy here is up to you. Each player has exactly one main role, but they may have zero or more secondary roles in addition to it. Sollte dies ebenfalls der Fall sein, wird die Rolle zum Testen in Form von Sandbox-Spielen ausprobiert. Some of them may start on one side and flip to the other, others never take sides and can only win if special conditions are met. Kategorie:Rollen | Werewolf Online Wiki | Fandom. All wolf roles have access to wolfchat, in addition to wolfchat roles. Kategorie; Diskussion; Mehr. In order for the Moderator to know which of the Werewolfs is the Alpha, we recommend having that person raise their hand the first time the Werewolves come awake at night, and making a note. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Mehr; Seitenaktionen. Videospiele Filme TV. Someone isn't speaking enough? Sende eine Email an howl@werewolf-apps.com!

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