ufa serial drama potsdam


ufa serial drama potsdam

The objectives of the interior design competition initiated in early 2012 were to reinvent the spatial situation and achieve significant improvements in terms of the above-mentioned disadvantages by: The competition entrants were to submit an exemplary interior design proposal for the work environments on a 1,500 square metre floor of the building and for a bistro with ca. UFA GmbH, shortened to UFA (German: ()), is a German film and television production company that unites all production activities of Bertelsmann in Germany.

Ob fiktionale Produktionen oder hochwertig produzierte Shows – UFA steht für hochkarätige Unterhaltung in allen Genres. Media/News Company Potsdam, Germany Biography. <<

Bitte lade einen aktuellen Browser herunter. combine Consulting was put in charge of managing the competition project, developing office space allocation strategies and handling cost controlling for the interior remodelling work. Today UFA Serial Drama is the European market leader in the field of daily series. UFA Serial Drama is a German production company and part of the Universum Film AG. �h�+0$�ʠ�a�c.

/CreationDate <269F211224E4EFCDE94A65A990528A3900B75E305C620B> The Babelsberg headquarters are currently home to UFA Holding's corporate management and support departments as well as the two subsidiaries, UFA Fiction and UFA Serial Drama. Wir können nicht garantieren, dass die Webseite mit diesem Browser ordnungsgemäß funktioniert. They were asked to redesign the work environments and the employee bistro. �)��9a���ꖿ��4�D��� >> >> UFA Serial Drama . establishing an open and flexible internal organisation conducive to communication. ��+�#���5��h5/2���H8��*���d����]=����G�e���@�!�((���CD��$��m�d�>�{el�qb��e�JU5�&3���;*�9��U|k2l�/��(#'Tf�&����$+�X[c�}�˾A�/�ǑJϪ6�*&��8��u /Subtype /XML /ViewerPreferences << << /Length 2478 endobj UFA SERIAL DRAMA GmbH Production audiovisuelle Potsdam Babelsberg, Brandenburg 2 272 abonnés #partofUFA | UFA SERIAL DRAMA ist Spezialist und Marktführer für langlaufende, tägliche und wöchentliche Serienformate. Exklusive Bewegtbild-Aufnahmen von der größten Arktis-Expedition aller Zeiten - für die High End Dokumentation EXPEDITION ARKTIS, Copyrights: 1 - UFA, 2 - ©Sascha Hoecker / Nickelodeon, 3 - © LEONINE, 4 - ARD/Morris Mac Matzen, 5 - RTL II, 6 - SAT.1_Claudius Plug, 7 - TVNOW / Stefan Gregorowius, 8 - Leonine, 9 - ZDF_Katrin Knoke, 10 - Netflix / Nik Konietzny, 11 - Alfred-Wegner-Institut/Esther Horvath, 12 - Warner Bros. / Julia Terjung, 13 - Foto: MG RTL D/Bernd Jaworek.

integrating the subsidiaries, taking an approach supportive of cooperation without weakening each subsidiary's independence at the visual level. Die Langlebigkeit der Serien und die Innovationskraft des Unternehmens macht UFA Serial Drama seit fast drei Jahrzehnten zum Marktführer in diesem Segment. 2 0 obj Die UFA hat unvergessliche Bilder geschaffen und tut es immernoch. /ModDate <269F211224E4EFCDE94A65A990528A3800B75E305C620B> m��.19����>~���Ӡ��Yht�l�7L�7( 5 0 obj Finde den Job, der zu dir passt! Hierzu zählen "GZSZ", "DSDS, "Der Junge muss an die frische Luft" und viele mehr. stream 60 seats. >> /Pages 4 0 R UFA Serial Drama was brought to live through the Joint Venture of UFA Film & TV Produktion and Grundy Worldwide under the name GrundyUFA. 1 0 obj UFA Serial Drama … Bis 2013 trug die Firma den Namen GrundyUFA TV Produktions GmbH. <6�!�މ��l�'�YvHĘ\2�85W��RI���>���oA����M܄�X��hf}�Ϝ�v��2:_�"&��I�I��7A\�Dt�)��^��.��Dr�:�^��x�=�s�Og�J���f����4e`X�s.���D˸)LQ��c��>�u �Zі�i��Qzȱ����#!q@���`�3�>2�@�=[�n�Ts�7�$ޙ�SЦ�9M��&5Г=��p?�:t;�$�/������� P2K���"r�Yl�˷�SGM��A�β��&ϹM+��wD�r��̎� ���W�s�|�&7���4.P�D�`4�e�:�_ߑ��m�a�i(��l7l��ߡd5P��S��f_�bXt��EsxީŒҁc�� � dagD�wL3�#��6i��޴p���GM��7������ 4%�&n�G9~$�rB Looking for a suitable new spatial concept, UFA had invited four national interior designers for a design competition in 2012. Die UFA Serial Drama ist Spezialist für langlaufende, tägliche und wöchentliche Programm-Marken.

/Trapped /False /Creator <23C17C4070F0969A9F1627F4C704984A6EA7435A0D314569D4DE23DD1C> UFA Serial Drama ist eine UFA-Tochtergesellschaft mit Sitz in Potsdam-Babelsberg und ein Produzent von industriell gefertigten Fernsehformaten in Europa. /Type /Metadata ^����V�$�Cpn�5�O��'�:�m�{�s����y~*v�Ә:d�mq�,I���X�LJBs�������n��[���5����go_F(��Y �f >> The interior design firm Lepel and Lepel won the competition. The building, which has been used by UFA since 1996, no longer meets the company's needs: Inflexible single or twin offices fail to provide an attractive work environment to employees and an infrastructure promoting lively social interaction. /ADBE << implementing a unique, striking, coherent design concept reflecting the company's character and culture. Durch die weitere Nutzung dieser Webseite erklärst Du Dich damit einverstanden. /ExtensionLevel 3 (credits: Lepel & Lepel), Project Management / Users´ Representation. UFA Serial Drama. Heimat für Film, Serien, Show, Doku & Digital. /BaseVersion /1.7 /Type /Catalog >> Its history comes from Universum Film AG (abbreviated in logo as UFA), which was a major German film company headquartered in Babelsberg, producing and distributing motion pictures from 1917 through to the end of the … combine Consulting was entrusted with organising and executing the competition, among various other assignments.

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