iterate over table rows

iterate over table rows

Of course it would have been helpful if an example of what exactly you do with sql/cursor was provided.

There are also benefits to use a WHILE loop compared to a cursor. It seems I totally overthought this one. It will be as fast as building up a while loop and much easier to maintain over the long haul.

you never defined shTableRows, so this doesn’t work. Add a new field to your table variable (Data Type Bit, default 0), Perform whatever processing you need to do, Update the record in your table variable by setting fUsed = 1 for the record. Though that is true I forgot to mention it :), will update the post thank you for the feedback. Again: he wants to iterate over a table variable, not a traditional table !!!

Cursors are updatable: When you create a cursor, you use a query to define And also highlights the problem if any.

The below examples illustrates how we can loop through table records in various ways. "Fail to retrieve data from the database. table and we set its value only once before starting the loop. Issue with example 1’s approach 1 and 2: These example approaches are assuming that looping column values doesn’t have any gap in it.

constructs were added for a reason and sometimes this is the only approach to

You may have heard that cursors are 'bad', but it is really iteration over tables that is bad compared to set-based operations.

as set rowcount 0. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. ...what table?

Take a look at this tip To understand the above syntax, let us create two tables i.e. Insert, Update and Delete Processes by Using Batches, SQL Server Try and Catch Exception Handling, Using MERGE in SQL Server to insert, update and delete at the same time, Rolling up multiple rows into a single row and column for SQL Server data, Split Delimited String into Columns in SQL Server with PARSENAME, ***GJR - This looks like this might be a Crystal Reports error.

In the example file you can find a table named ‘tbl_grocery’. The query is as follows −, Here is the query to create a second table. What's the political basis of any birth tourism debate? tip you will find an explanation, an easy to understand cursor example and more It's possible to use a cursor to do this: create function [dbo].f_teste_loop xmod.primary_dose||' '||xmo.primary_dose_description AS dose, INNER JOIN JAC_Super.x_active_spells xas ON xai.lnkpid=xas.lnkpid, INNER JOIN JAC_Super.x_med_spell_orders xmso ON xas.lnkpid=xmso.lnkpid AND xas.current_spell=xmso.lnkspell, INNER JOIN JAC_Super.x_med_orders xmo ON xmso.lnkpid=xmo.lnkpid AND xmso.order_id_start>=xmo.lnkordid AND xmso.order_id_end<=xmo.lnkordid, HAVING MIN(change_start_date*86400+ change_start_time)=change_start_date*86400+ change_start_time) xmod, ON xmo.lnkpid=xmod.lnkpid AND xmo.lnkordid=xmod.lnkordid, lnkpid,lnkordid,verify_date,verify_time,status,change_start_date,change_start_time, GROUP BY lnkpid,lnkordid,change_start_date,change_start_time, HAVING MIN(verify_date*86400+verify_time)=verify_date*86400+verify_time) xmov, ON xmo.lnkpid=xmov.lnkpid AND xmo.lnkordid=xmov.lnkordid AND xmod.change_start_date=xmov.change_start_date AND xmod.change_start_time=xmov.change_start_time, INNER JOIN JAC.patient_basic pb ON xai.lnkpid=pb.lnkpid, WHERE (xmov.status='V' OR xmov.status IS NULL).

a read only cursor that can only move forward and be scrolled from the first to This key will be associated Use Transact-SQL Statements to Iterate Through a Result Set There are three methods you can use to iterate through a result set by using Transact-SQL statements. need of a surrogate key to work as a test condition like on a WHILE loop.

begin. But besides

nome varchar(10)

Less usage of Tempdb: While loops don’t create a copy of data in

and FAST_FORWARD options. Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Looping through table records in Sql Server.
Standardize SQL Server data with text lookup and replace function. code.

For accuracy and official reference refer to MS Books On Line and/or MSDN/TechNet. Approach 1: Looping through table records where looping column has gaps in the value. Nov 18th - I'll teach Advanced Set Analysis and AGGR, Thanks for the quick reply. Please note that shTableRows in the below code snippets is the codename of the sheet in the example file below.
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Seems like a simple construct that would be used often. It's a table VARIABLE - there is no concurrent access possible.

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