anthony bourdain no reservations all seasons

anthony bourdain no reservations all seasons

The mighty Amazon -- called the last great undiscovered culinary frontier by Chef Ferran Adria. Tony's mission, on this trip, is to step away from the Venice of tourists and into the Venice of Venetians.
The soul of Cuba is found in a baseball stadium packed with exuberant fans. He is both repulsed and and attracted to the good and the evil in the city. This episode is about Southie. From Shanghai to Tibet, Tony searches for the elusive Shangri-La. I really like the No Reservations series because of Anthony's colorful language that has been reigned-in a bit on CNN. Later in the evening, Tony joins a manly conversation about meats, old-time tough guys like Clint Eastwood and John Wayne, and right vs. wrong. In this 'Techniques' special, we are shown some of the world’s best chefs including Jacques Pepin, Thomas Keller and Tony Bourdain, who demonstrate classic and simple dishes. As Tony explores the impact the storm had on the city, Tony discovers that the heart and soul of the city is still alive. Brittany's reputation as one of France's most alluring culinary corners has lured Anthony Bourdain here to uncover its succulent secrets. On March 11th, 2011 a massive earthquake struck Japan, the largest in its recorded history, unleashing a devastating tsunami that claimed thousand of lives - a few weeks prior, Tony and his crew set out to discover Japan's northernmost prefecture, Hokkaido.

In the 25 years since the death of Pablo Escobar, one of the world's most notorious drug lords, this once war-torn country has emerged like a phoenix from the scars of the past. Tony travels to Emilia Romagna, the "breadbasket of Italy," with acclaimed NYC chef Michael White, sampling the foods that make this part of Italy great. He will hit locales from the well known to those off the beaten path, from New Jersey to Iceland and points in between. Tony dives into the holy trinity - sex, drugs, and Rock & Roll, recording music with Queens Of The Stone Age, making food porn, and burning cocaine in Panama. He visits The Double Down, Bouchon, El Sombrero, Beauty Bar, Freemont Street and much more. Plus, how do they make rowing machines, and how are the iconic London Underground signs made? A 69 Camaro has a new owner who wants to finish off the build. The one-hour “What Were We Thinking?” special offers an after-hours look into the past five years of filming NO RESERVATIONS – a world of comical indecision and dysfunction, mixed with heartwarming stories, breathtaking backdrops…and of course, plenty of local libations.
Given the opportunity to spend another day on the job; he re-evaluates his skills in the kitchen, his love of New York and his life as a chef. Netflix has announced that all 12 seasons of Anthony Bourdain's hugely popular travel and food series Parts Unknown will be added to … Along with a local chef and realtor we explore the country and what Anthony can expect as a full time resident. The show takes a look back at Tony before the fame of No Reservations and his top selling book Kitchen Confidential. This episode is about the tough and infamous side of Boston. Amid the protests, violence and uncertainty, Tony and the crew make a point of discovering the elements that make Thailand magical. In the 25 years since the death of Pablo Escobar, one of the world's most notorious drug lords, this once war-torn country has emerged like a phoenix from the scars of the past. You’ll be surprised, terrified, disgusted and thoroughly entertained! Tony travels to Mozambique and finds himself in a mysterious, post-colonial Africa. Tony explores the musical culture of the Californian High Desert. Along the way, he discovers the rich history and cuisine of Jakarta and Bali. Tony visited Madrid, Spain's capital city, during the 2010 World Cup when this large and diverse country came together. Tony gives in to pressure from one of his office staff and travels to Korea. This episode serves up a refresher course on the Seven Deadly Sins: lust over a simple plate of pasta in Rome, disturbing display of wrath in NYC, and a bloody example of sloth in Finland. Tony visits Liberia on the west coast of Africa and gets a taste of the local food and culture. He dines in Lima, meets members of a Peruvian Eseeja tribe in the jungle and much more. His condition? Inspired by its natural diversity, Chile's cuisine consists of beef, pork, seafood, fruits and vegetables. Tahiti is the picture of paradise, but there's more to Tahiti that just pretty beaches. They tour Chernobyl and the radiated ghost town of Pripayat, explore a once top-secret port for Soviet submarines, drink vodka and enjoy green borscht. The combinations of styles, cultures, and flavors fascinate Tony.

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