science buster gruber klimawandel

science buster gruber klimawandel

So, my opinion and count on your post is 0 for 2.

I was more convinced by the fact that it was supposed to be ruined before I was born. In any case, the NASA in the 1960s would not have been technically advanced enough to fly to the Moon…. Someone isn’t paying much attention to that which questions their faith. The last 18 years is cherry-picking, the previous 18 years are the trend.


Hey, you are insulting James Hansen, GISS; NOAA, the almighty PIK and all the other demiurges of warmunism, from which the “data” stems. Great point, Bjorn! Nice strawman there, Chris. It should not be surprising when there is a string of the “hottest years” on record. Johannes Gartner Receives Open Science Award 2015/2016 from “ORF Science Buster” Werner Gruber.

Following the Wikipedia link, I see that the link for that quotation is actually from a GISS page on the NASA website: We are winning every day, Sirry, because the climate models can by their very nature not have predictive skill. We just have to be witnesses of the data to answer those questions. We’d have changed presidents too if the Obama supporting msm were honest. It’s not that they are skeptics of “science” its’ that they are skeptics of what they are being told about science. They would condemn millions to poverty and early death, and forbid all human progress.

It has been a quite a ride, it is coming to an end now. “Please note that it isn’t my chart. Those who target children with propaganda usually reap the whirlwind. Global and Hemispheric Temperature Anomalies – Land and Marine Instrumental Records Jones Parker Osborn and Briffa

I assume most contributors here are (white) US or UK, …..””””” “. Inflation does oppress. dbstealey nails it again. What ever blue collar jobs that do remain will be be filled by unionized illegal aliens. i hope this is true. I just think that global warming and all the trash fed to us via the media and in some university courses is a sign. Sir, your adoring throng would like to remind you that the correct spelling is “evah”. In that case, you should inform Bob Tisdale, Christopher Monkcton and others who frequently write posts with extensive temperature charts. Still, good to see that not all have been brainwashed, but still a worry that well over 50% have been, which for election purposes is sufficient. Show me some factual information showing skeptics receiving a large amount of funding from oil interests or keep your trap shut. A brief recap seems appropriate: They wanted to rule us all too.

But the alarmist crowd is unable to produce any such measurements. 3) After you have confiscated all the capital and spread it around, the capital engine dies of starvation as does the system. Most of us had to live for decades before learning that doomsday scenarios always fail, and always turn out to be a money/power grab by some conman/politician. Try not to be so preposterous in your assertions. Ah well, such is the life of a farm laborer. Who is “the rest of us?” Readers of this site, some US Senators, and a few foreign leaders like Harper and Abbott? Its kind of like a God to you guys? I keep looking at the definition of oppressed and new highs in the Nasdaq, SP and dollar strength and curious who is oppressed. Dirk– I clicked on the one link that looked reliable (noaa) and the first bullet points were as follows: That said, the opinions that support the status quo and ignore risks (war) or justify “good things” (strong but false economies) tend to be wrong. Seems to me that’s ‘fractional reserve’ climatology. Please note that it isn’t my chart. Them what has the gold first make the rules, mostly so they get more gold. so I fear this dialogue is a waste of time. Alx, that’s the point! Netidee is Austria’s largest internet funding program by Internet Foundation Austria. No, it doesn’t debunk AGW. “Every serious scientist says we need to act. But to believe the globaloney you’re shoveling, we would have to accept your story that the 2014 average global temperature jumped up by at least 1.5ºC in one year. Le-Chatliers is just another extension of ignored science that doesn’t apply to environmentalist. PLEASE ! “ORF Science Buster” Werner Gruber has chosen GameSurvey as one of the most promising projects and called the idea “extremely innovative”. Collected notes: Dream on. I always prefer to look at actions rather than words – like takeoff of voluntary carbon permits. You totally misunderstand what I’m saying. No, that is not correct. BTW, the world was between 3C and 5C warmer than present multiple times in the last 10000 years, and the planet not only survived, it thrived. I see from his picture that he carries his brains in his hands.

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