kabinett merkel


kabinett merkel

Der am 22. September 2013 gewählte 18. Oktober 2017 wurde Wolfgang Schäuble zum Bundestagspräsidenten gewählt. Das Kabinett Merkel I war die vom 22. Februar 2017 zum Bundespräsidenten gewählt werden zu können. It was preceded by the first Merkel cabinet and succeeded by the third Merkel cabinet. September 2013 gewählte 18. von 2015 bis 2017: Sahra Wagenknecht und Dietmar Bartsch (Die Linke), Das Kabinett Merkel III war das 23.

[14], Adenauer I | Der am 22.

About Angela Dorothea Merkel Angela Dorothea Merkel, née Kasner, (born 17 July 1954) is the current Chancellor of Germany.

The current federal cabinet is composed of the following ministers and their parliamentary state secretaries (deputy ministers): After the German federal election held on Sunday, 24 September 2017, SPD leader Martin Schulz declared that the SPD had decided to be a part of the opposition during the next legislation period. Adenauer IV | Dezember 2013 (BGBl. [8] However, after coalition talks between the Union (CDU/CSU), FDP and the Greens failed, SPD politicians reconsidered, leading to coalition negotiations between the CDU/CSU and the SPD. Kohl III | Although the CSU received a disproportionate share of ministries relative to its weight in the Bundestag, the six most powerful ministries were divided equally between the CDU and the SPD: the CDU controls the ministries for finance, internal affairs, and defense, while the SPD controls the ministries for foreign affairs, economics and energy, and justice and consumer protection.

Kohl II | Kohl IV | On 8 February 2018, the negotiations resulted in a provisional agreement to form a grand coalition,[9] which was approved by the party members of the SPD and led to the formation of the new government on 14 March 2018. [5] Deutschen Bundestags am 24. In accordance with Article 69 of the German constitution and at the request of the President of Germany, the cabinet remained in office as the caretaker government until a new government is formed.[5]. [8][9][10], In der konstituierenden Sitzung des 19. Januar 2017 gab es eine größere Kabinettsumbildung: Frank-Walter Steinmeier trat von seinem Amt als Außenminister zurück, um am 12. e The fourth Merkel cabinet (German: Kabinett Merkel IV) is the 24th and current … Grundlage für die Arbeit dieser Regierung war der Koalitionsvertrag „Gemeinsam für Deutschland. Regierungskabinett der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. You can help our automatic cover photo selection by reporting an unsuitable photo. The cabinet served as a caretaker government following the elections on 22 September 2013; which saw the removal of the Free Democratic Party from the Bundestag. Zuvor hatte eine Abstimmung unter allen Mitgliedern der SPD den Koalitionsvertrag mit 75,96 Prozent der gültigen Stimmen bestätigt. I S. 4310). Deutsche Bundestag konstituierte sich am 22. Give good old Wikipedia a great new look: Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.bundesregierung.de. On 13 May 2011, the FDP elected Rösler to succeed Guido Westerwelle as party chairman. Installed after the 2009 federal election, it left office on 17 December 2013. Dezember 2013 die bereits seit 2005 als Bundeskanzlerin amtierende Angela Merkel mit 462 Ja-Stimmen, 150 Nein-Stimmen und 9 Enthaltungen im ersten Wahlgang zur Bundeskanzlerin einer großen Koalition aus CDU/CSU und SPD. The first change occurred on 30 November 2009, when Franz Josef Jung resigned as Labour Minister amidst controversy surrounding the Kunduz airstrike, which happened while he was Defense Minister in the previous cabinet.

Oktober 2013 und wählte in seiner vierten Sitzung am 17. November 2005 bis zum 28. Der am 22. Installed after the 2009 federal election, it left office on 17 December 2013. Adenauer III | It was preceded by the second Merkel cabinet and succeeded by the fourth Merkel cabinet. Mit Mut und Menschlichkeit.“ Schröder I | Schmidt I |

Merkel und die von ihr vorgeschlagenen Bundesminister wurden umgehend noch am 17. Your input will affect cover photo selection, along with input from other users.

Schröder II | Das Kabinett Merkel IV ist das 24.

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