einfach englisch videos


einfach englisch videos

Prepared by experienced English teachers, the texts, articles and conversations are brief and appropriate to your level of proficiency. One day they find a human child and decide to adopt him.
Learn English Free online with the World's Best Videos and Tutors. Du möchtest endlich besser Englisch sprechen? Planet Schule - Vielfältige Lernsendungen, Youtube: Teacher Melanie - Aussprache, Melodie und Wortschatz, Deutsche Welle - Nachrichten auf Englisch, Easy Languages - Interviews in englischsprachigen Städten.

Dann verbessere dein Englisch doch auf unterhaltsame Weise!

It is about leaving your own country with the promise of a better life. He only has his dog with him for company. A school teacher is narrating all the recent incidents that have happened on campus. “Girl” talks about how girls are taught to live restricted lives since childhood. However, one day there is a rebellion and everything changes for a brief instant. What Is Great About It: Modern workplaces often feel like theaters where we pretend to work rather than get actual work done. Tauche ins Englische ein - mit informativen Berichten und aktuellen Nachrichten! FluentU is an innovative language-learning platform that turns real-world videos into language-learning experiences. If you enjoy the story but need a break from reading, check out this captivating trailer for Disney’s newer version of the movie. Free ESL video lessons and listening activities for teaching and learning English. They continue their work without any human or natural assistance.
He specializes in topics like education, psychology and lifestyle.

No one used to get down at the station and nothing happened there. Pretty soon deaths of all kinds begin to occur. And as you’re watching, follow along with the interactive subtitles. Start by watching the video and following along with the subtitles.

But as soon as she realizes that she will have to go back to her old life, her body is unable to take it. Stories are all about going beyond reality. Danke! I am talking about award-winning short stories, told using language easily understood by beginners. What Is Great About It: Ruskin Bond is a writer who can communicate deep feelings in a simple way. “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” is part of Kipling’s short story collection “The Jungle Book,” which was famously made into a movie by Disney. Nutze ggf. But in this story, we see that nature plays a supporting role and the machines are the ones who have taken its place. Sly is a chimpanzee who is much smarter than other beings of his kind. Until one day he sees a girl selling fruit and he is unable to forget her.

Große Auswahl an abwechslungsreichen Videos auf Englisch zu aktuellen Themen und Nachrichten aus der Welt. Plus, you can click to other FluentU videos that include the same phrase in different contexts. Nachrichten verfolgen und gleichzeitig deine Englischkenntnisse verbessern? All Rights Reserved. While taking the train, he always had to pass through a small station called Deoli. Der Südwestrundfunk bietet Lernsendungen, die online angeschaut werden können. TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Jamila Lyiscott is a “tri-tongued orator;” in her powerful spoken-word essay “Broken English,” she celebrates — and challenges — the three distinct flavors of English she speaks with her friends, in the classroom and with her parents. It is old, but the language is fairly easy to understand.

He is too smart for the other chimps, but humans do not accept him. The story is precisely about this debate. It talks about the things that go unsaid; how people at the office know about the deep secrets of our home life, but do not talk about it. When he is unable to bear the city life, he returns to his home but invites his friend to the village.

Despite her grief, Mrs. Mallard is able to keep herself healthy with the hope of freedom from her husband.

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