div clickable


div clickable

You might also want to make sure the parent div has zero padding and that the tag has zero margin. Inside that link, put an empty span tag (, give any other links inside the panel position:relative and a suitable z-index (>1) to bring them in front of the default span link. It will make any div with the .myBox class clickable, so if there’s no link in one, it’ll 404, is that the problem? This is a "valid" solution to achieving what you want. To make the entire row as clickable in this case, one can use a link tag to wrap its content. Worked for me. I tried various methods like the one outlined here but all that does is make the shapes disappear.

We can, therefore, use the CSS class “the-class” above to manipulate the content of the division/container (div) above. Bob Hay Permalink to comment # March 10, 2010 Hello highlight.js! The code doesn't work entirely in IE7/8, other elements that are selectable take precedence over the. To fix this a background is added with opacity 0. From what I recall, it doesn't require JavaScript. Required fields are marked *, This is a link within the a div with class “the-class” above. Generate HTML Div table grids for websites in just a few easy steps. First define the tag (e.g. use

works fine in HTML5. Thanks, Thomas, the tip is much appreciated. $(“div.link”).click(function(){ But making the DIV elements clickable may not work in some cases. However, this doesn't make a 'div' into a link.

cursor: pointer; This worked for testing : "Evasive answer to: "How to make block level element a hyperlink and validate in XHTML 1.1". Furthermore, you can manipulate the elements using JavaScript. Your email address will not be published. To make thepeer's answer work in IE 7 and forward, it needs a few tweaks.

when you've done that,it will make the whole width area clickable (but within the height of the anchor tag),if you want to cover the whole div area you must set the height of the anchor tag exactly to the height of the div tag,for example: this is gonna make the whole area clickable,then you can apply text-indent:-9999px to anchor tag to achieve the goal. i want to use this but i have 2 links in the div... how can i modify it to be able click on both links? You could probably give the div a ‘class’ of ‘link’ and a ‘rel’ equal to the url you wish to navigate to, and then use jQuery to setup the click event using the rel attribute. and themes especially…. Show us what you've got so far by creating a demo using codepen, You should be able to just wrap the div in an anchor tag "" and it will turn the div into a link. I'm not saying replace divs with links, but by the sounds of the question he just wanted a block he could click like a button or something. How can I make a div not larger than its contents? In order to make a div clickable and open it in a new tab, you could try something like the following: onclick=”window.open(‘#’) You should then replace # with the URL that needs to be opened in a new tab in the user’s browser. but there is a tricky way to achieve this using a CSS code Recommending someone while being newly-hired myself. How?

– This is a CSS style that adds a “hand pointer” to the DIV on mouse hover over the HTML DIV. In what language do scientists communicate with each other in European research institutions? Why redirect WordPress Registrations to WooCommerce? Why do big projects like Unreal Engine write their own container classes? I’m just asking if there is a way to apply the same event listener to a whole div including any html elements that might be inside that div, so if a div has an image and a header and some text in it, no matter where you click in the div it will all act as a link, including on the image or text.

Furthermore, using onclick does not provide the semantic information for a screen reader to determine that the div is functioning as a link.

jjnguy: This is pretty common practice. While not a huge deal, your answer, code doesn't show for some reason I used the onclick with a jsp variable inside to create a dynamic link, he was looking for "I am looking for an XHTML 1.1 valid way", http://www.digitalskydesign.com/how-to-make-an-entire-div-a-link-using-css/, How Stackers ditched the wiki and migrated to Articles, The Loop- September 2020: Summer Bridge to Tech for Kids, Hot Meta Posts: Allow for removal by moderators, and thoughts about future…, Goodbye, Prettify. a decision I'm very happy with. (Block element within inline element). But most-likely what you really want is to have an tag displayed as a block level element. Normally, we can make texts, images, spans and DIVs etc clickable using the simple syntaxes below: But making the DIV elements clickable may not work in some cases. It is allowed now, html5 and for a reason so why not use it? CSS-Tricks is hosted by Flywheel, the best WordPress hosting in the Bookmark the permalink. I would not advise using JavaScript to simulate a hyperlink as that defeats the purpose of markup validation, which is ultimately to promote accessibility (publishing well-formed documents following proper semantic rules minimizes the possibility the same document will be interpreted differently by different browsers).

You ask good questions, now listen up. This will populate the editors below with the generated HTML code. James Barnett 39,198 Points October 24, 2013 5:24am. Obviously, there isn't a click event for a div but maybe there is a way using Javascript to accomplish this.

Show us what you've got so far by creating a demo using codepen. I think some of you have misunderstood the question. This particular solution is not good cause the older HTML validation :). This works for me perfectly. The DOM (Document Object Model) is a standard method of accessing such documents. Lovely. HTML - how to make an entire DIV a hyperlink? On this miniblog, I write mostly short (technical) blog posts that might interest other people.

I'm looking for something like

, but that is valid XHTML 1.1. http://codepen.io/IschaGast/pen/Qjxpxo. How to make a div 100% height of the browser window. It makes a link into a block element.

The requirement is that when someone hovers their mouse over the DIV, it should point to the hyperlink that’s contained inside the DIV. }. In WordPress, for example, when using page builders like WPBakery , it may not work.

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