belgrad party corona

belgrad party corona

Ontvang dagelijks tijdens de lunch een update van het belangrijkste nieuws per e-mail. De lockdown vanwege het coronavirus die dinsdag door president Aleksandar Vucic werd aangekondigd, gaat waarschijnlijk niet door. In Belgrado zijn demonstranten woensdagavond opnieuw de straat opgegaan om te protesteren tegen de Servische regering.

Er zijn 341 mensen overleden. foreign countries Corona-Protests in Serbien Violence in Belgrade again – President speaks of “fascists” Status: 11:37 a.m. | Reading time: 4 minutes Again demonstrations against corona protective measures Despite President Aleksandar Vucic’s withdrawal, thousands of people have once again taken to the streets in Serbia against corona protection measures.

A makeshift hospital has been set up inside the Belgrade Arena to cater for an increase in patients.

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Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The protesters are angry because President Aleksandar Vucic, after an increase in corona infections, announced a new lockdown of the capital this weekend.

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amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "aa0162-20"; This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Mild increase in number of coronavirus cases .

Source link, Your email address will not be published. They also allegedly threw stones, bottles and eggs at the police. ©2020 Het was de tweede avond op rij dat demonstranten in Belgrado de straat opgingen, na weken van spanningen, onder meer over het coronabeleid van de regering. Je moet ingelogd zijn om van deze mogelijkheid gebruik te maken.

Dinsdag bestormden duizenden demonstranten het parlementsgebouw in de stad. Your email address will not be published. | Bron: AD. Belgrade, 15 September 2020. Woensdag zei Vucic dat die nieuwe lockdown er waarschijnlijk niet komt. For the second day in a row protests in Serbia over corona policy, Protesters storm parliament in Belgrade because of new lockdown, Protesters storm Serbian parliament after new Belgrade lockdown, New demonstrations against containment escalate in Belgrade, Clashes with the police: riots in Belgrade: protesters invade parliament, Anti-covid restrictions, guerrilla warfare in the night, Suez-Veolia battle: the French Ardian fund enters the game - France 24, José Anigo in custody alongside a figure of organized crime, Parrots insulting zoo visitors had to be moved, An earthquake of 4.3 intensity with an epicenter in Navarra is noticeable in Aragon and La Rioja, Clashes in Luxor after an Egyptian citizen was shot dead by a police officer, They investigate the wife of Josep Maria Mainat for trying to assassinate him, Storm Alex: five western departments in orange vigilance, Italy is looking for 100 tasters for the Tiramisu World Cup, Defense Apache helicopter makes precautionary landing in Elburg, Prime Minister Suga sees off the appointment of some candidates for the Science Council of Japan, Bundeswehr conflict postponed: dispute over corona aid from the Bundeswehr in Berlin continues, A new prototype reserved seat will be presented in Moscow, Chills Milan, wins the 12th penalty and reaches the group stage.


You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. amzn_assoc_default_category = "HealthPersonalCare"; Police officers responded by firing tear gas canisters.

43 politieagenten en 17 demonstranten raakten daarbij gewond en er werden 23 mensen opgepakt. Sure, now the doors are slamming shut, but for thousands of Italians and Spaniards it’s too little, too late. Scuffles broke out between police and protesters later in the evening and shortly after 22:00 local time (20:00 GMT), a large group entered the assembly building, reportedly involving ultra-nationalists and anti-vaccine campaigner Srdjan Nogo.

07-07-2020 om 18:51 Dat zou betekenen dat het grootschalige Exit Festival, waar naar verwachting duizend Nederlanders naartoe gaan, naar alle waarschijnlijkheid wordt afgelast. De betogers gooiden met stenen en fakkels. Clashes erupted and police fired tear gas to disperse the protesters. It took police 15 minutes to clear the parliament building. The police used tear gas and […] Door een opleving van het coronavirus is er sprake van een zorgwekkende situatie in delen van Servië. Elections were held a few weeks later, on June 21. Er vielen dertien doden en meer dan 120 mensen moesten aan de beademing in het ziekenhuis.

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